This slate of courses is offered in the Fall semester of the Second year of the Diploma program.
Orthodox Theology
An introduction to the study of Orthodox theology. The purpose of Orthodox theology is the purification, illumination, and deification of man as the icon/image of the living God, and learning to see one another as fellow icons of Christ. The study of theology should galvanize our Christian identity, kindle a yearning for knowledge of God and ignite a life of prayer and mission. The study of Orthodox theology will equip students preparing for positions of leadership and teaching within the local Church.
Dogmatic Theology I – Orthodox Dogmatic Theology
The survey of Orthodox dogmatic theology, covering the foundations of theology and revelation as the source of knowledge of the Trinitarian God. The relationship and interactions God has with His Creation. Christology, Pneumatology, and Ecclesiology as essential understandings in the life of the Church.
Comparative Theology I – Orthodoxy & Everything Else
Survey of major religions and heterodox denominations. Oriental Christianity, Roman Catholicism, and major movements in Protestantism, and minor branches. Introduction to non-Christian religions: Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Modern religious inventions: Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Neo-paganism, Wiccan religion.
Moral Theology I – Bioethics and Moral Theology
The response of the Orthodox faith to the classical questions of right and wrong, including so called ‘new’ issues raised by the contemporary world. Principles of moral theology: natural law, moral law. Man as a moral being. Sexuality in the light of Christian faith, Business ethics, Bioethics and the moral dimensions of the life sciences and health care.