This slate of courses is offered in the Spring semester of the Second year of the Diploma program.
Pastoral Praxis
The final section of the Diploma program is the culmination of all the other studies, and is the most important. At this point, all the study of Scripture, History, the writings of the Fathers, Theology come together in preparation for hospitality, service, and ministry. Whether teaching, preaching, caring for others, or in personal ministry, the study of the interior life, liturgics, and pastoral praxis will bring the entire program, and the knowledge and experienced gained, into high relief for the student.
Orthodox Spirituality I – The Interior Life and Monasticism
Foundations and history of spirituality. Interior life and the origins and history of monasticism, as well as important monastic and ascetic writers and teachers. The place of the monastery in the life of the lay Christian. Monasticism in the Church in the 21st Century.
Pastoral Theology I – “How to be a Good Pastor” – Good Pastoral Praxis
An indepth look at pastoral theory and praxis, according to the fathers of the Church. The mystery of the Church, the mystery of the Priesthood (deacon, priest, bishop). Relationship with the advisory board/council, responsibilities, duties, expectations. The use of preaching in therapeutic application. Avoiding common pastoral and personal pitfalls. Good pastoral practice is not guesswork, but the culmination of spiritual formation, study, mentoring, and practice.
Liturgics I – Liturgical History, Theology & Praxis
Introduction to the liturgical services; cycles of the Church year, clerical vestments, order of services. Reading, serving, liturgical piety and function. The Typikon. Origin and outlines of liturgical services, Vespers, Matins, and the liturgies of St. John Chrysostom, St. Basil the Great, and the Pre-Sanctified Liturgy of St. Gregory the Dialogist.. Form of the Sacraments and occasional services.